It is an irrefutable fact that all educational institutions, of which Oudtshoorn High School is but one, henceforth be managed on a purely business principle. Finances and education have become inextricable and the availability of finances is the determining factor in the strength and progress of an institution, more specifically Oudtshoorn High School.

Towers Trust has as its primary objective, along with the Struisiebond, the active marketing of the school among all alumni locally, nationally and internationally. We would like to rekindle interest in the activities of Struisieland and secondly, to invite financial involvement which can be invested in the development and wellbeing of all learners at Oudtshoorn High School.

Towers Trust is superbly positioned for this objective. The Board of Trustees will manage all funds with prudence and all activities will be audited by an external firm.

A marketing executive is currently employed by Towers Trust to launch the marketing activities.

The success of this ambitious project will depend on the commitment by all alumni in support of the Board of Trustees and Struisieland.

Please contact the marketing office at Oudtshoorn High School and help us make Oudtshoorn High School a world-class agent in education.

Ida Schmitt
Sel : 082 374 4434
Tel : 044 279 1623
Faks : 044 272 5365
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